Thursday, April 15, 2010

Lazy Days...

Today was an official lazy day. I was supposed to be studying (which I did do) but then got severely side-tracked and began to watch cartoons and paint. I love to paint, but I rarely have enough time to do it. I'm thinking of taking some more time to just settle down and do what I do best: nothing! That includes painting, reading, cross-stitching and just being plain lazy. I think I deserve to take some time for myself.
These last few years have been extremely stressful and I have no idea why. There have been some days that I have been reduced to basically tears over something as stupid as a test mark. I'm doing fine in school (now) and have nothing to fear about next year but I still really don't want to go back. This probably sounds like every other person in school going "Aw Man, I hate school!" But I actually love it there, its just getting too stressful there. I'm starting to think I should take a year off and figure out what I want to do. I think I've changed my mind about 10 times about what I want to do later on in life, so it gets stressful trying to pick courses that will, indeed, help you in that field. Iunno what to do, but I know that in time I'll figure it out. :)

So, thats it for now! Until next time,
Live, Love, Laugh

1 comment:

  1. lol, i like the painting a lot! the one coat looks good to me :P
    i havent cried over a mark... but i have wanted to cry over work... in a very violent and pissy kind of way... but cry none the less.... anyway! see ya soon!
