Thursday, May 13, 2010

A Modern Musical Genius

I've been home a few days from my trip now and I know I said that I would post about it with pics and the like, but I'm currently going through them all with the friend I went with, trying to figure out which is where and what is which... this is gonna take a while. Between the two of us we managed to rack up over 1500 photos plus videos... so... yeah. :)

Anyway, this is more of a catch-up post. I would like to share with everyone some music that I absolutely love! His name on youtube is "Fagottron", a.k.a Pogo. This dude has an amazing talent of taking random sounds from your favorite movies and turning them into some kick ass music. Here is a link to his youtube channel:

Unfortunately, some of his earlier work has been flagged by youtube as copy write, so a couple that aren't on his channel, but are still awesome are: "Alice" and "Alohamora". Pretty straight-forward about what they're from. xD

Here is the video for my personal fave, "Expialidocious". Enjoy!

Until Next time,
Live, Love, Laugh