Before I begin, a little update: My friend at work who was re-diagnosed with breast cancer went in for her operation and everything went perfectly. Yay! She's gonna be out for a while but she's doing as well as expected.
So, onto the review!
I began reading a book by Nancy Martin called "Have your cake and kill him too". It's surprisingly good! Its a part of a series of books (seven I believe so far) called the "Blackbird Sisters Mysteries". It can only be described as Nancy Drew meets Sex and the City. Yes. I said it. As weird as those two may sound together, it works; and it works well!
Nora, the main character, comes from an extremely wealthy family, including her two sisters: Libby and Emma. Nora finds herself broke, pregnant, and in the middle of a murder. To top it off, she's not sure who the father of her unborn child is! "She's got a personal life to untangle, and a killer to slap behind bars, before her grandmother's couture gets so sung that the Main Line gossips take notice." (A quote from the summary on the back)

The characters are a lot like Nancy, Bess and George only hyped up in drama and sex... sounds fun, right? If you like a good mystery mixed with Loius Vuitton handbags and Prada shoes you're in for a good read.
This isn't the first book in the series, so I'm not sure if theres any back story or not, but I'm going to find the first one and start from there. :)
Here's the order:
"How to Murder a Millionaire"
"Dead Girls Don't Wear Diamonds"
"Some Like it Lethal"
"Cross Your Heart and Hope to Die"
"Have Your Cake and Kill Him too"
"Crazy Little Thing Called Death"
"Murder Melts in Your Mouth"
Check 'em out!!
So, until next time,
Live, Love, Laugh
-Missy A