Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Little Transformation

I read a quote the other day that went something like: "If you keep searching for the meaning of life, you will never live". While this may be true, I decided to do a little searching for myself.
I've always been a little rough around the edges: overweight, just passing grades, and not too sure what to do with myself. Now don't get me wrong, I have no intention of changing who I am on the inside, rather, I want to do a little makeover on the outside and on my outlook on life. Not only with my diet, but with other things as well... I suppose this is kind of my late resolutions for the year... I want to do better in school, do a little volunteering, and maybe do a little catching up with God.
So, to officially mark this new transformation, I went out and got a perm today. Thats right... my normally straight hair has been transformed into a fro-like work of art: and I love it!
But I guess thats all I have to say for today...
So, until next time,
Live, Love, Laugh


  1. Funny you should say that...I've been thinking about getting a perm too! I just recently grew my hair out because I wanted long hair again, but it is so flat and boring. I think a perm might liven it up a bit. - G

  2. It does!! I have really fine hair and it really makes it look thicker :)

    Best part is: wash and wear... it dries into awesome curls. Haven't used my blow dryer in days!
