Monday, April 12, 2010

Anne Frank

Last night the movie "The Diary of Anne Frank" was on. I had never read her diary, but have always wanted to, so watching the movie was a close second. I must say though... knowing the end of the story really makes the movie that much harder to watch. I usually don't get too emotional over stories, but the fact that this was real made it that much harder to swallow, and I couldn't say to myself, "Its just a movie, its not real...".
For anyone who has lived under a rock for their whole life and has no idea who Anne Frank is, she was a remarkable little girl who hid with her family and others in a small attic in Holland from the Nazis. She was there two full years before they were ratted out and forced into camps. During her time in the attic she kept a diary about everything from her love life to the bombs crashing outside. The diary was later found and made into a book, and then a movie.

I would strongly recommend the movie to anyone although I would suggest to have a box of tissues beside you at all times; especially at the end... The cast was really well done. The people chosen look a LOT like the original people, and play their parts well.

All in all, its a great movie, and really opens up to what happened to so many innocent people. It really showed me what my family was over there fighting for, and made it so I can be proud to say "My relatives helped to stop this stupidity and give people the freedom they deserve!"

It's now available online at: along with the complete list of actors and characters. The cast and the people they played are compared here: so you can see how well the casting department did.

So go watch that movie people! It's a real eye-opener as well as a good history lesson.
So, until next time,
Live, Love, Laugh
-Missy A


  1. I haven't seen the movie, but the book is amazing. It is so incredibly well written and lucid for someone living under such dreadful conditions. I highly recommend it if you can get a chance to read it. I'm in my late 30's and only read it last year, but it really rekindled my passion for writing! - G

  2. aww man i wanna see it AND read it! could you imagine having to live like that.... Throws a lot of soc of Eth into perspective eh?

  3. I agree, the acting was great and they resembled the real characters very much. The box of tissues is a MUST! So sad...
